Flash failed on mobile, the app stores are overcrowded, and why HTML5 is the alternative.

Flash failed on mobile, the app stores are overcrowded, and why HTML5 is the alternative.

Accessibility nowadays becomes one of the most preferred factors, especially in the terms of mobile gaming. We have already noticed that javascript powered engines and games are showing on the market in much bigger numbers than in the first years of the technology’s existence. One of the other important trends nowadays is that developers are moving away from Flash in favor of web apps. Why is that happening? Is Flash really not needed anymore? I mean, it is still there and it will used, but it won’t be a solution for HTML5 gaming...

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HTML5 multiplayer games distribution & promotion

HTML5 multiplayer games distribution & promotion

Recently, I started a discussion about multiplayer HTML5 games. As you have seen, such games are currently working well on both desktop and mobile devices simultaneously. This time, I will focus on methods which can help you to distribute such games. There are a couple ways, and if your game is good enough, you may be able to depend on only your resources and ideas. But if you didn’t manage to gain enough resources for marketing, promotion or game production you may always use different ways to show your product to the gamers. Market...

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Steam Simon – a steampunk style memory game is released!

Steam Simon – a steampunk style memory game is released!

Our newest game – Steam Simon will be a joy to your eyes and senses! Detailed steampunk style graphics will immerse you into the memory challenge! Memorize the sequences shown on screen and improve your memory skills. Gain coins for passing game levels and assemble your own steampunk robot! Click HERE to play the game. If you enjoy playing games on your desktop, you may find Steam Simon at Chrome Store. If you prefer to have fun on your tablet or smartphone, enter this link in your mobile...

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Would HTML5 mobile games be able to create an alternative market (for natives)?

Would HTML5 mobile games be able to create an alternative market (for natives)?

Web mobile gaming is still far away from the point where it would achieve smoothness, and quality of effects of native games. Despite the small range of mobile web gaming market, and small (but growing) quantity of games, developers keen on working. 2 years ago we didn’t realize that some of borders can be crossed, and now we can play great looking HTML5 mobile games. But, let’s put away the performance issues. Let’s try to to find out if HTML5 mobile games can become an alternative solution for natives. Could they be a new...

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Factors which may affect your HTML5 mobile games success.

Factors which may affect your HTML5 mobile games success.

I’ve been wondering what are the reasons that some games are successful, and some are not. Major studios with huge budgets usually prevail, because they have experienced people, better promotion, marketing, and usually known brand. But there are also indie studios which take a huge risk by making an original product, and in some cases it pays off.  There must be something they do, or they avoid. Since we are HTML5 games developers, let’s focus on our area. Even though this niche is still young, we see a growing number of HTML5...

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